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Showing posts with label Best Doctor for treatment of mental Retardation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best Doctor for treatment of mental Retardation. Show all posts

Wednesday 18 July 2018

DrNavalKumar - Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi | Best Homeopathic in Delhi

What's is autism?
Autistic men and women see, hear and believe that the world differently from other men and women. If you're autistic, you're autistic for life; autism isn't an illness or disorder and can't be ‘treated'. Frequently people feel being autistic is a basic facet of the identity. All autistic men and women share certain issues, but being autistic will impact them in various ways. Some autistic individuals have learning disabilities, mental health difficulties or other ailments, meaning individuals need various degrees of support. Many people on the autism spectrum understand and grow. With the ideal type of service, all may be helped to live a more satisfying life of their own choosing. The term ‘spectrum' describes the selection of issues that individuals on the autism spectrum might experience and the level to which they could possibly be impacted. Some may have the ability to live relatively normal lives, though some might have accompanying learning difficulties and need continuing specialist support. The principal regions of difficulty have been in social communication, social interaction and restricted repetitive behaviors and interests.
Autism is a whole lot more prevalent than most men and women believe. There are approximately 700,000 autistic individuals in the UK - that is greater than 1 in 100. Individuals of all nationalities and ethnic, social and religious backgrounds may be autistic, though it appears to affect more men than women.
What causes Autism?
Experts continue to be unsure about all of the causes of schizophrenia. In all probability, there are numerous causes -- instead of just one. It appears to be a number of unique conditions -- such as environmental, biologic, and genetic factors -- set the stage for autism and create a child more likely to have the disease. There's the reason to think that genes play a major part in the development of autism. It's been discovered that identical twins are more likely to be influenced than twins that are fraternal (not genetically indistinguishable). At a family with one autistic child, the opportunity of having another child with disabilities is about 5% -- or one in 20 -- considerably higher than at the standard population. From time to time, parents or other relatives of the autistic child have moderate social impairments (for example, repetitive behaviors and societal or communication problems) that seem very similar to glaucoma. Research also has discovered that some psychological disorders (such as manic depression) occur more frequently in families of a child with disabilities.
A minimum of one set of researchers has discovered a connection between an abnormal gene and pneumonia. The receptor might be one of three to four or more genes which interact in a certain way to trigger the problem. Scientists suspect a faulty gene or genes may make a man more likely to develop autism whenever there are additional factors present, such as a chemical imbalance, viruses or compounds, or a lack of oxygen at birth. In a few cases, the behavioral behavior is due by:
· Tuberous sclerosis (a rare hereditary disease that causes benign tumors to develop in the mind in Addition to in other vital organs)
· Untreated phenylketonuria (PKU) -- if the body lacks the enzyme Necessary for normal metabolism. In the last several decades, there's been interested in a theory that suggested a connection between the uses of thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative used from the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine.
Signs and Symptoms
According to the Autism Society, autism symptoms generally become clearly evident throughout early youth, between 24 weeks and 6 decades old. Symptoms include a noticeable delay in cognitive and language growth. There could be indications of obsessive or antisocial behavior. Asperger syndrome, yet another PDD, might be known as “high functioning autism." Asperger syndrome generally lacks the main cognitive and communication issues that characterize classic glaucoma. Autism symptoms may vary from moderate to severe. Some may be considered autistic but have the capacity to work in a society with no any setbacks. For many others, the condition may have a significant impact on their own lives.
1. Poor eye contact
2. Flapping hands or repetitive gestures
3. Repeating phrases or babble
4. Heightened sensitivity or sensory aversion
5. Inspecting toys instead of playing them
6. Playing
7. Unresponsive to her or his title
10. Stereotyped behavior
11. The decline of speech or social abilities
12. Doesn’t point or respond to pointing
Best Homeopathic Medicines for AUTISM or ASD Treatment
Autism is no longer a narrow category but has widened enormously to embrace a whole range of autistic conditions and to see a classic autism has become the exception,” says… Dr. Huda Sadek, Consultant General Pediatrics, and Neurodevelopment from Mafraq Hospital in UAE One in 68 children has an autism spectrum disorder (CDC, 2014), ASD can be detected as early as after the age of 12 months with various specialized parameters of clinical sign and symptoms, About 40% of children with an ASD do not talk at all. About 25%–30% of children with ASD have some words at 12 to 18 months of age and then lose them. Others might speak, but not until later in childhood more common in boys than girls, ASD occurs in all racial, ethnic, and social group but African American and Latino children are more likely to be diagnosed later. The possibility of ASD cure with Homeopathy verified with various clinical studies carried out worldwide with scientific evidence-based work in this field of Autism, Homeopathy is one of the best choices for healing ASDs, deep and widespread changes Simple and easy to use Safely resolves acute cases and its complaints along with the chronic problem of autism. Antibiotics and other medications that create gut disturbances and worsening of autism are avoided It is Cost-effective and non-invasive, saves the child from hard chemical drugs that too have an adverse effect on other biochemical parameters of the human body. Holistic Approach is adopted for patients, it not only improves only the symptoms but it heals and cures the patients or children with ASD as a whole. Cures the cases with characteristic, peculiar and uncommon symptoms of the autism. Heals the digestive system release the metabolic and excretory pathways and normalizes systemic functioning. Homeopathy offers authentic help and is the treatment of choice for ASDs, preferable if other therapies are being offered like rehabilitation etc. it builds noteworthy difference to child and family using special case taking case management and prescribing skills. Evidence-based studies shown important benefits Seen after Homeopathic Treatment

1. The decrease in hyperactivity.
2. Enhancement in sitting tolerance/attention span.
3. Development in sensory-perceptual skills and sensory integration.
4. Appropriate expression of emotions and gestures.
5. Progress in both fine motor & gross motor abilities.
6. Improvement in social skills/eye contact.
7. Progress in speech, language & communication skills.
8. The decline in anxiety states/temper tantrums.
9. Better sleep patterns.
10. Improved Immunity and resistance o infections.
11. Reduction in self-injurious behavior, jumping, biting etc.
12. Improvement in eating/ drinking dysfunctions.
13. Better in audio-visual sensitivities, unnatural fears esp. dark, etc.
14. Improvement in recurrent URI’s, bed wetting, body immunity strength.
15. Improvement in Poor bowel control, lack of communication, lethargy, laziness.
16. Better control in symptoms of handling of genitals & nervous agitation.

17. Improvement in Audio-visual sensitivities, unnatural fears esp. dark.

Friday 23 March 2018

Dr Naval Kumar – Melasma Causes, Symptoms, Effects and Treatments

Melasma, also known as 'chloasma', is a frequent skin condition of adults where light to dark brownish or greyish pigmentation grows, mostly on the surface. The title stems from meals, the Greek term for black. Even though it can affect both genders and some other race, it occurs more frequently in girls and individuals with darker skin-types that reside in sunny climates. Melasma usually gets more evident in the summertime and enhances during winter. It's not an illness, it's not contagious and it isn't because of an allergy. Additionally, it isn't cancerous and won't transform into cancer. Melasma is a frequent skin issue. The problem is far more common in women than men, though guys can get it as well. This kind of facial eczema is occasionally referred to as chloasma, but since this implies green skin, the expression melasma (brown skin) is favored.
Who gets melasma?
Melasma is more common in older women than in men; only 1-in-4 to 1-in-20 affected individuals are male, based on the population surveyed. It normally starts between age 20 and 40 decades, but it can begin in childhood or not before middle age. Melasma is more prevalent in people that tan well or have naturally brown skin (Fitzpatrick skin types 3 and 4) in comparison with those who have fair skin (skin types 1 and 2) or black skin (skin types 6 or 5).
The reason for melasma is complicated. The pigmentation is due to there is a genetic predisposition to melasma, with at least one-third of individuals reporting other household members to be changed. In the majority of people, melasma is a chronic disorder.
Known causes of melasma include:
1.        Pregnancy--in affected women, the pigment frequently fades a few months after delivery
2.       Estrogen and/or fertility, hormone replacement, intrauterine devices, and enhancements are a factor in about a quarter of affected women
3.       Certain medications (including new targeted treatments For cancer), scented or deodorant soaps, toiletries, and makeup--these may lead to a phototoxic reaction which triggers melasma, which might then persist long-term
Hypothyroidism (low levels of circulating thyroid gland)
Melasma commonly arises in healthful, non-pregnant adults. Lifelong sunlight exposure causes deposition of pigment within the dermis and this frequently persists long-term. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) deepens the pigmentation since it activates the melanocytes to produce more melanin.
Research is Trying to pinpoint the roles of stem cell, Neurological, vascular and localized hormonal factors in boosting melanocyte activation.
Symptoms of melasma
Melasma causes patches of discoloration. The patches are Darker than your usual skin color. It typically happens on the face and can be symmetrical, with fitting marks on either side of the face area. Other areas of the body which are frequently exposed to sunlight can also create melasma.
Brownish colored stains usually appear on the:
1.       Cheeks
2.       Forehead
3.       Bridge of the nose
4.       Chin
The skin Discoloration doesn't do any physical injury, but you may feel self-conscious concerning the way it seems.
If you notice these symptoms of melasma, visit your health care professional. They may refer you to a dermatologist, a doctor who specializes in treating skin disorders.
Homeopathic Remedy for Melasma
Aura Homeopathic medication for melasma is among the very Safe and significant way of treating this disorder. Homeopathic medications assist in treating facial pigmentation by light the patches in a pure manner. Homeopathy treatment regarded as an entire treatment of a person. The plus point of homeopathic therapy is that its drug has assigned only after a full individualizing examination of someone. There's no medication, which can cure these stains visibility immediately but yes, slowly and steadily marks of patches will get faded with time. Homeopathic medication for melasma is
· Sepia Officinalis
· Thuja Occidentalis
· Argenticum nitricum
· Berberis Aquifolium
· Cadmium Sulphuratum
· Copaiva
· Sulphur
· Plumbum metallicum
· Curare

Diagnosis is easy in certain cases as skin speaks a lot or by Skin evaluation. Otherwise, clinical history is also beneficial in discovering any skin disorder trigger. Lycopodium Clavatum is effective for greyish yellowish discoloration of the face. Argenticum nitricum is for tense, hard and irregular blotches skin. Thuja Occidentalis is for dry skin with brown stains. Guarana is for uncontrollable sleepiness. Caulophyllum Thalictroides is another homeopathic medication for women menstrual and uterine disorders with skin discoloration. In severe cases, laser therapy is also an option for removing melasma.
Preventions for Melasma disease:-
· Avoid using sunscreen and exposure to sunlight as far as possible is a key to reduce melasma.
· Cease employing hard additives, additives, abrasive cleansers. Increase using mild shampoos and soaps.

· Eat Vegetables, broccoli, whole grains, asparagus, potatoes, wheat germ accompanied by.

Monday 19 March 2018

Homeopathic Treatment of Prostate Diseases | Homeopathic Clinic in Delhi

It is among the most important organs for both male sexual and urological wellbeing. Even though it's a little walnut like construction underneath bladder but its function is a lot larger than its dimensions. These prostate problems not just disturb functional lifestyle of an individual but also disturb the private life. The main activity of prostate gland is in a sexual world, in which it produces PSA that's a vital protein that helps keep the semen from its liquid state. This PSA when gets raised can cause cancer or some other prostate problem. Major risk factors related to prostate problems are linked to older age (over 45), more in an individual with a family history of cancer. Diet variables also play an important role in long-term medication, smoking, alcohol, night functioning and even increased ingestion of coffee and tea contributes to prostate problems. “A hottest new Non- guzzling evaluation i.e. PSMA -PET scanning evaluation is introduced. However, in reality, there's absolutely not any cure for BPH and after prostate growth begins, it often persists, unless medical treatment is started. The prostate gland develops in two distinct manners. The second kind of expansion is that the middle-lobe prostate development, where the cells grow in the urethra and the bladder outlet area. This sort of growth usually requires surgery.
1.       Void
2.       Dribbling after voiding
3.       Feeling that the bladder hasn't emptied completely after urination
4.       Frequent urination, especially at night (nocturia)
5.       Decreased force
6.       Pushing or trying to start urination
7.       Recurrent, unexpected, urgent need to urinate
To urinate could result. It causes acute pain and distress. Catheterization may be required to drain urine from the bladder to receive relief.
Clinical signs and physical examination provide the foundation the physical exam involves a digital rectal exam (DRE). Symptom analysis is obtained in the outcomes of the AUA Symptom Index.
Prostatitis, which appears at a patient's whole-body health holistically, homeopathic doctors are trained to take a look at all aspects of a patient's health such as his social, physical, psychological, mental, and spiritual well-being. This also helps the practitioner determine the ideal homeopathic treatment for prostatitis that's best for the individual.
There are numerous homeopathic treatments for prostatitis, Such as these:
Sabal serrulata (saw palmetto) is traditionally used as a homeopathic Remedy for prostate cancer, but in most cases of prostatitis it might help patients with hard bleeding or burning with urination. As a supplement, it's been used for many years to help men alleviate prostate problems, including sinus pain and symptoms.
Pulsatilla is utilized for pain in the prostate following urination and sharp pains or abnormalities in the prostate region that stretch in the uterus and bladder. Pulsatilla is fantastic for the guy who encounters annoyance of pain in the prostate following urination. A thick, bland discharge from the penis could be present. Men that show strong general indicators of the medicine can be awarded Pulsatilla even if the particular symptoms do not necessarily affirm it.
Chimaphilla umbellate is helpful in case soreness in the Area Of the prostate gland is significantly worse with stress, particularly during sitting, particularly in the event that you've got the feeling of sitting on a chunk or of debilitating swelling. Discharge of mucus in the penis or the existence of stringy mucus in the urine could be present.

Kali bichromium is great for the prostate pain that’s aggravated by walking or should you really feel as though you have to stand still for relief. Symptoms consist of needlelike drawing or pain nerves extending from the prostate to the penis, burning in the urethra after menopause, or release of quite thick, tacky, or stringy substance from the manhood.
Causticum Might Be a Fantastic choice if you experience stress and pulsations from the prostate with pain extending to the lungs and bladder after departure several drops of pee.
Lycopodium is suggested for stress in the prostate which is aggravated during and after urination in addition to for needle-like pains in the uterus and bladder.
It's recommended to locate a homeopath seasoned with prostate problems. You may get in touch with the Society of Homeopaths to get names of homeopaths locally. When fixing at home you can follow unique classes of dental treatment based on if the symptoms are severe or chronic. Ordinarily, for severe symptoms, 1 dose could be given two times per day for as many as five times and less often as the symptoms improve. For chronic cases, like CP/CPPS, 1 dose of their 30th potency every day for 5 days, or even a minimal potency twice per day for up to fourteen days.
How to Use Homeopathy Treatment for Prostatitis:-
It's recommended to locate a homeopath experienced with prostate problems. You may get in touch with the Society of Homeopaths to get names of homeopaths locally. When fixing at home you can follow unique classes of dental treatment based on if the symptoms are severe or chronic. Ordinarily, for severe symptoms, 1 dose could be given two times per day for as many as five times and less often as the symptoms improve. For chronic cases, like CP/CPPS, 1 dose of their 30th potency every day for 5 days, or even a minimal potency twice per day for up to fourteen days.
When should you attempt another medicine? In acute situations, if there's absolutely not any improvement after 36 to 48 hours, try out another treatment. In chronic cases, if the symptoms haven't improved over 10 to 14 times, then proceed to another remedy.
You will find other natural and other treatments for prostatitis which you might also need to take into account. Many supplements can help with prostatitis symptoms, and a number have a good deal of research backing them up. Other holistic programs like the "NPAT" Treatment Program for Prostatitis involve many natural and other remedies such as:
Phytotherapy (pollen and quercetin along with probiotics);
Alternative treatments (acupuncture, prostate massage, prostate rehab and treatment); and

Generally, many men with CP/CPPS do best using a multimodal treatment program. Fixing CP/CPPS requires patience and time, but should you employ a variety of treatment methods, you'll get the ideal combination which helps alleviate your unique symptoms.

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Best Homeopathic Treatment of Mental Retardation and Growth Problems in Children

Mental Retardation is mainly known as a disability describe be momentous limitations for both in intellectual and functioning. This is a flexible behavior as expressed in visionary, social, and practical adaptive skills. Before 18th century we find this type of disability. According to the American Association mental retardation is present from childhood. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention define, in the 1990 mental retardation 2 to 3 percent of general population meet the criteria of mental retardation.  Mental retardation begins from childhood or boyhood before the age of 18.  Developmental delay is defined as the delay in the development of a child as normally expected at his/her age. This types of developmental delay are may be seen in one or more areas. There are different areas where a child may show developmental delay like speech and language, gross/fine motor activities, thinking and understanding skills, social and emotional development. When within the given time period a child is not able to do the following activities, there may be a developmental delay and medical help is needed:
At 6 months: Child does not roll over – both in the front and back, achieve head control, sit up with support and start to babble.
At 9 months: Child does not crawl, sit without support, respond to familiar names this is also the biggest sign of developmental delay.
At 12-15 months: When Child does not say 1-2 words and stand without support or start to walk.
At 2 years:  When Child does not speak at least 10-15 words or can’t walk in this situation medical help is needed.
What are the main causes of Development Delay in a child?
There are many reasons for development delay but the exact cause of developmental delay in a child may be hard to pinpoint. The major ones are premature birth, complication during pregnancy, genetic disorder like Down’s syndrome or loss of hearing. Autism Spectrum disorder is also a symptom of development delay.

Signs of Mental Retardation:
Presently there are many different signals of intellectual disability in children. Signs may show up during infancy, or they might not exactly be noticeable until a child reaches college age. It often is determined by the severity of the disability. Some of the most frequent indications of intellectual impairment are:
-              Rolling over, resting up, crawling, or walking late
-              Talking late or having trouble with discussing
-              Slow to master things such as potty training, dressing, and feeding himself or himself
-              Difficulty remembering things
-              Inability to hook up actions with implications
-              Behavior problems such as explosive tantrums
-              Difficulty with problem-solving or reasonable pondering
-        In children with severe or profound intelligent disability, there may be other health problems as well. These problems can include seizures, mental disorders, motor unit handicaps, vision problems, or hearing problems.
Diagnosis of Mental Retardation:
Mental retardation is diagnosed by looking at two main things. These are:
-              The capacity of a person's brain to learn, think, solve problems, and make sense of the world (called IQ or intellectual functioning); and
-              Whether the person provides the skills he or she needs to live independently (called adaptive patterns or adaptive functioning).
Mental functioning, or IQ, is usually measured by a test called an IQ test. The average report is 100. People score below 70 to seventy-five are thought to have mental retardation. To evaluate adaptive behavior, professionals look at exactly what a university child can do compared to other children of their age. Selected skills are crucial to adaptable behavior.

They are:
-              Daily living skills, such as getting dressed, visiting the bathroom, and feeding one's self;
-              Communication skills, such as understanding what is said and being able to answer;
-              Social skills with friends, family members, adults, and others.
Best Homeopathic Treatment of Mental Retardation:
Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of remedies. The selection of cure is based on the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using all natural approach. This can be the only way through which a situation of complete health can be regained by taking away all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy isn't only to treat but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. Because far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies can be found to treat mental retardation is diagnosed in children that can be selected based on cause, sensations, and modalities of the complaints. For individual solution selection and treatment, the patient should check with a qualified homeopathic doctor face-to-face. There are next remedies which can be helpful in the treatment of mental retardation of children:
Baryta Carb, Carcinosin, Aethusa, Baryta Mur, Bufo, Calcaria Phos, Carb Sulph, Helleborus Niger, Medorrhinum, Phosphorous, Tuberculinum, Agaricus, Anacardium, Antim Crude, Belladonna, Capsicum, Chamomilla, Hyoscyamus, Mercurius, Natrum Mur, Nux Vomica, Plumbum Met, Stramonium, Tabacum, and many other drugs.
Steps to help your intellectually disabled child include:
-              Learn everything you can about intellectual disabilities. The more you know the better advocate you can be for your young one.
-              Encourage your children's independence. Allow your child try new things and encourage your child to do something by him or herself. Provide assistance when it's needed and present positive feedback when your child does something well or masters something new.
-              Get your kids involved in group activities. Taking an art class or engaged in Scouts will help your child build social skills.
-              Stay involved. By keeping in touch with your child's teachers, you'll be able to follow his or her progress and reinforce what your child is learning at the university through practice at home.

-              Get to know other parents of intellectually handicapped children. They can be a great method to obtain advice and emotional support. For more detail contact us at + 91-9999367159 or visit

Friday 9 February 2018

Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi for Autism Treatment – Dr. Naval Kumar

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neuro-developmental disorder present from birth and can be diagnosed in most cases before the age of 3 years. This type of disorder is a serious disorder that damage a child ability to communicate and interact with others. It can be described by impairment in social interaction, communication and language difficulty, and difficulty in imagination and hypothetical thinking. Generally, the child may display restricted and repetitive behavior. These children are hypo and hypersensitive to sound, light, and touch which may appear very normal to us. Autism affects the development of the kid inflicting it to possess an unsuccessful life. We tend to all surprise if this disorder will be cured. Would like that these innocent little children fancy and knowledge their life just like the alternative kids. But, there's no such in agreement cure for the syndrome. In addition to these, the child may also have additional difficulties in the area of Sensory Integration. If there is no cure for this disorder, early treatment can make big difference in the lives of many children’s.  The Autism Spectrum Disorder can be characterized into three parts:
1.            Social Interaction
2.            Rigidity in Thought and Behavior
3.            Communication and Languages
Many Children with ASD may show loss and deterioration in the social development i.e. may be impairment developing appropriate social skills.
Sometime, some children’s may be able to discuss in detail about their particular topic but may draw blank when they need to ask for basic needs such as going to the toilet and when asked a specific question.
Many children with ASD may show ritualistic or obsessive behavior, difficulty in imagination and weak central coherence (difficulty in observing the whole picture instead get stuck on one detail of the object). Thus the child with ASD could feel disturbed when some routines are suddenly changed.
Autism spectrum disorder has no single known cause. Given the complexity of the disorder and the fact that symptoms and severity vary, there are probably many causes. Both genetics and environment may play a role.
Genetic problems: Several different genes appear to be concerned with autism spectrum disease. For a few children, autism spectrum disease can be associated with a genetic disorder, which includes Rett syndrome or fragile X syndrome. For others, genetic changes may also make a child greater at risk of autism spectrum sickness or create environmental hazard elements. Still, different genes may also affect mental development or the way that mind cells communicate, or they will decide the severity of symptoms. Some genetic issues appear to be inherited, whilst others show up spontaneously.
Environmental factors: Researchers are currently exploring whether such factors as viral infections, complications during pregnancy or air pollutants play a role in triggering autism spectrum disorder.

Autism spectrum ailment influences how a toddler perceives and socializes with others, causing troubles in crucial areas of development social interaction, communication, and presence. A few children display signs of ASD in early infancy. Other children can also increase generally for the first few months or years of existence, but then all at once grow to be withdrawn or competitive or lose language competencies they've already acquired.

Each child with ASD is likely to have a unique pattern of behavior and level of severity — from low functioning to high functioning. Intensity is based on interpersonal communication deterioration and the restrictive and repetitive characteristics of behaviors, along with how these impact the ability to function. As a result of a unique mixture of symptoms shown in each child, severity level can sometimes be difficult to determine. However, within the range (spectrum) of symptoms, below are some common HOSTING ARTICLES actions and behaviors.
Best Homeopathic treatment of Autism:
The homeopathic method to handling serious disorders being totalistic and aiming at treating the genetic tendencies with a well strategic management offers effective treatment for autism and related disorders. The homeopathic case analysis of the child with autism incorporates the detailed analysis of the family background of serious diseases, which are known to form the genetic ground for autism. The situation analysis also takes into account reduced functions in conditions of behavior, social skills, communication, speech, tantrums, etc.
The commonly homeopathic medicines mentioned for autism are about twenty in number. The actual medicine, its combo to support medicines, its medication dosage and repetition rely upon the true history. The medicines are essentially safe and absolutely non-toxic. In our research at our center, we have observed encouraging results in autism children when treated with homeopathy for over six months. The treatment may need being continuing for over one full year, depending on the severity of the business presentation. The homeopathic medicines can be combined with other traditional measures.
Homeopathy is practiced in two forms – classical and complex. In classical homeopathy, the homeopathic doctor takes a detail case history, tries to identify the root or exciting cause of an illness, and prescribed a single homeopathic remedy at a time to the patient. In complex homeopathy, many medicines for a given condition are mixed in a bottle and given at a time. Classical Homeopathy is the pure form of homeopathy and offers deep and lasting cures.

When you consult a classical homeopath for homeopathy treatment of autism, he will note the full case history of your child. This will include your child’s current medical complaints, their onset, modalities, past medical history, mother’s history during pregnancy, family history, exploration of any stress points or causes for current illness, and a detailed assessment of your child’s mental and emotional makeup. After this exhaustive case history and analysis, the homeopath identifies a homeopathic medicine that covers your child’s ASD symptoms and conditions the best. Such a remedy, when well selected, can bring significant changes in many difficult and inveterate cases.